I’m married now. How weird is that?!

The falling in love bit was surprisingly easy. I didn’t really have much say in it to be honest. I’m pretty sure I just woke up four years ago and realised I was stupidly, ridiculously, passionately in love with my silly Venezuelan man. Getting engaged was pretty damn easy too. It happened over a casual conversation. I think we were engaged before either of us truly registered it. And there was no fear, no nerves, Read More…

Felices Fiestas les desean Simón y Darren

Estoy frente al computador, tomando un G&T, escuchando música melancólica de Navidad, mientras Darren intenta preparar palmeritas en la cocina (sí, palmeritas, su postre venezolano favorito). Me arropo con una cobija y ordeno en mi cabeza ideas y recuerdos festivos con ganas de desearles a todos felices fiestas. Esta temporada sigue siendo complicada para mí y para millones de venezolanos partidos por la mitad como yo, a causa de un caos tan ajeno y tan Read More…

Happy Christmas from Darren and Simon

With only a month to the wedding and only one night before Christmas Day, we’ve been looking back at what has probably been the best year of our lives. The world is going to shit, politics is a farce on either side of the Atlantic, global warming, Brexit, Trump, Maduro, people are eating Tide Pods, but Simon and I are very happy together. I know that as long as I have him, I’ll get through Read More…

We Need to Talk About Presents

Ok, so, we’re not getting married for the presents. We’re getting married for love and to share our love with you and to show our love… blah blah blah. Yup, it’s all about the presents. I would like a Formula 310 BR Speed Boat, or maybe the Airbus H125 Helicopter, or perhaps just something simple like a the Tesla Model S. I think that’d be the ideal first car for me. HOWEVER, Simon says I have Read More…

A Fab Four

Simon has actually managed to stick with me for four years now. Today we celebrate the anniversary of our relationship, only two months before we create a whole new anniversary, our wedding day. I want to be profound, I want to wax lyrical about how wonderful he is, I want to fill these virtual pages with how much he means to me and how much he has changed my life, but most of all, I Read More…

Accommodation in Dublin

Dearest guests, a lot of you live in Dublin, so won’t need to read any further. In which case, move along, there’s nothing for you here. Some of you are coming from further afield. Some of you are coming up from Wexford, over from Edinburgh, across from Hertfordshire, and some of you are even making the journey across the Atlantic. For you, I’ve put together a short guide on accommodation in Dublin city centre. Firstly, Read More…

We’ve found a sweet spot for our wedding!

How is it November already? Where did the year go? Why did Netflix cancel Luke Cage and Iron Fist? Where are Darren and Simon getting married? Those are the burning questions in everyone’s mind for the last couple of weeks and finally we can answer at least one of them: we’re hosting our wedding and party in Dublin’s The Sugar Club. We wanted a place a bit left-off center and artsy fartsy, and once we Read More…

Wedding Update #1

We’ve found a Sweet Corner of Dublin to celebrate our big night. Are you ready? Any guesses?

Carta de cosas que pasaron sin haberlas contado

Familia y amigos, Tenemos tiempo sin escribirnos, el contacto se ha limitado a varios y dispersos “Me gusta” en redes sociales y a saludos enviados a través de mi mamá, quien es mucho mejor que yo en mantener contacto con gente buena como ustedes. Principalmente es mi culpa por no encontrar el tiempo y también por no saber cómo entrar en una conversación que nunca he tenido con varios de ustedes hasta ahora: estoy enamorado Read More…

Ooooh, the excitement

I can’t believe the day is nearly here. Simon has actually agreed to spend the rest of his life with me. The fool!!!! We’re hoping to regularly update the wedding blog with our thoughts on life, love, the future, and baby goats.